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When I think of this concept, I would like to imagine using Internet technology to connect the world by creating things that are useful, enjoyable and appealing to a person's life, not just connecting things via objects that are uniquely identifiable in an Internet-like structure, just for the sake of getting them connected, but integrating those things into a logical and useful system that makes life easier and even fun. An increasingly hot development in terms of technological trends is wearables, or wearable technology, otherwise known as wearable devices, tech togs or fashion electronics. These are
clothing and accessories incorporating computer and advanced electronic technologies, and made with designs that could incorporate practical functions and features, but may also have a purely aesthetic agenda. They could also be small devices or gadgets that people wear on their bodies, and in some cases have Internet connecting capabilities.
all the possible options out there, it would be fair, anyhow, to include things that are also plain fun, besides having a practical use, of course.
Setting aside the fact that there are currently many private organisations, and also shady ones, profiting from the sale of personal information, we now have the case of public institutions, such as some governments, being particularly interested in having things connected. It would not be far-fetched, then, to consider that some of these initiatives involving things connected via Internet could, in fact, be implemented in order to collect information about people's activities at all times, and for reasons that, legally, are not quite justified yet.
Digging a little bit deeper, we could end up with a scenario where the Internet of things might include those devices and gadgets that are being developed to go on, or inside, your body, which would result in the human body itself being converted into one of those "things".
Ideas being developed in the form of physical products include useful things to help you have more control of your personal health, like gadgets that warn of possibly dangerous situations such as falling sleep while driving, or monitoring devices with critical health alerts for preventing heart emergencies.
On the other hand, increasingly popular events that include movements around the globe are in the business of proactively motivating people to participate in events for fabricators, makers and do-it-yourself enthusiasts who are interested in using advanced technology for their projects. These people are coming out with amazingly creative and useful products that are beginning to dramatically alter the way things are done in the context of manufacturing.
One of those companies supporting the idea of fabricating wearables is Intel. They organize competitive events such as "Make it wearable" where people bring the best of their creative productions to the table, and where we see people with varied interests and motivations developing things like fashion technologies, LED gadgets using Arduino, 3D printed shoes, etc. There are also universities like MIT and Stanford promoting similar initiatives.
Medical and insurance companies are potentially some of the direct beneficiaries of these technological developments, and would certainly be interested in acquiring updated and meticulous data pertaining to a person. The first one for developing new tech to help people, and the second one for combating insurance fraud.
The problem with unauthorized retrieving and storing of personal information is that it could just go too far and could even violate the very personal freedoms that we are supposed to enjoy in the twenty first century. However, it is interesting that a New York Times journalist has recently been awarded a Pulitzer price for a story related to this matter.
Precisely on that same note, the next big thing in music entertainment is Wearable Sound, which means not just listening to the melodies, but actually living a physical adventure while enjoying it. This means designing wearable products that allow music enthusiasts to "experience" music in a totally different way. This means being part of an event that involves feeling the physical vibrations on your body. This has to do with your full body actually having a response to the frequencies generated by the music, meaning that you are, at some level, literally vibrating at the rhythm of the sound waves your full body comes in contact with.
For other people, wearable tech products like accessories or fashion electronics could be more appealing, in other words we are referring to clothing items like jackets that glow in the dark, sportswear that can monitor your heart rate while exercising, or t-shirts that wake you up and prevent an accident in case you begin to fall sleep while driving.
Finally, there is what is known as home automation, which is the automation of the housework, of the home, or of some household activities. Depending on your budget, home automation could be a very practical way to help you save on energy bills, and contribute to make your life more comfortable.
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