Sunday, September 30, 2012

Self-driving car bill gets signed in California

This is a major step towards having autonomous cars running freely around the streets.

While this achievement constitutes a major stepping stone towards the introduction of self-driven cars, as well as a major disruption in transport habits, a few concerns could arise  regarding the implications of this kind of technology.

Google is developing and testing this amazing driverless car technology and is currently in the process of proactively lobbying in favor of it. Consistent with his job as Director of Special Projects, Co-Founder Sergey Brin had the honor of co-signing the bill together with the people who are sponsoring this initiative. Regarding this event, he stated: "the self-driving car can really dramatically improve the quality of life for everyone"

In terms of autonomous transportation, this idea is not new since it is already being used in commercial and private means such as trains and planes. So, even though the transcendence is huge for something like this to actually become a reality, because of the imminent disruption over  

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